It All Began With

My passion for chiropractic care developed from personal experiences that changed my life. As an athlete, I was no stranger to the physical demands and injuries that come with high-intensity sports. However, when I started experiencing discomfort and pain, I turned to conventional medicine, only to receive temporary relief and generic answers.

Determined to find a more holistic approaches to healing, I sought out a chiropractor who could address the root cause of my symptoms. This decision proved to be life-changing, as regular adjustments not only relieved my pain but also enhanced my bodily functions and increased my nervous system health. I realized that chiropractic care was not just about treating symptoms, but rather improving overall health and well-being.

the pursuit of pain relief.

Get adjusted. Be adaptable.  Stay connected.

Current Affirmation:

My personal experiences have given me a unique perspective on chiropractic care, I'm committed to sharing my passion and knowledge with my members. I believe that everyone has the potential for optimal health and I'm dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals.

Favorite Local grub:

currently reading:



My upbringing in Spokane, combined with my passion for athletics and natural health treatments, has influenced my desire to help others and be an asset to the holistic community.

Growing up in Spokane, I attended Ferris High School, where I excelled both academically and athletically. I was a starting basketball player for Ferris and earned multiple awards throughout my high school years.

After graduating from Ferris High School, I went on to attend Whitworth University, also located in Spokane. There, I continued my basketball career and played for four years on the university's women's basketball team. In addition to my athletic achievements, I was focused on my academics and earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Health Science.

Following my time at Whitworth University, I went on to pursue my passion for healthcare by attending chiropractic school. I received my Doctorate of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West which specializes in a whole-body health care approach. While studying, I committed to 20+ hours weekly of additional training and have since been back in Spokane practicing and sharing holistic healing within the community.

Traveling to California teaching Chiropractic

Desert Pear Madhatter from Wake-Up-Call

Teamwork makes the dream work

House of Brunch - Antyhing on the menu

Your Next Five Moves by Patrick Bet-David

Dr. Katara Sharp, DC

Roller skating


Some of my favorite things

Bikram yoga

Chiropractic treatments are created to offer patients individualized care and treatment programs that take into account their unique demands.


Chiropractic packages are offered to provide members with the same personalized care but at a special price with perks.

Discover Natural Healing for a Healthy Lifestyle.


Mon     4pm - 6:30pm      
Tues     7:30am - 11am + 2pm - 6:30pm
Wed     Closed
Thur     12:30pm - 6:30pm
Fri        8:00am - 12pm

Office Location

Office Hours

3010 S. Southeast Blvd, Suite F.  Spokane, WA 

(509) 385-2047 

Contact us 

Whether you're experiencing chronic pain, looking to improve your overall health, or simply interested in learning more about chiropractic care, I would love to hear from you.

          questions for me? 
